Family Unity

My Gurudeva emphasizes the importance of unity in the Indian family system and how closely families are knit together. He always said that if we need to compete with each other, let it be on who can show more love toward the other. What a beautiful and profound statement.

Resolving Conflicts Before Sleep

Family members—husband, wife, and children—should never go to sleep with unresolved conflicts from the day. Why? Because these unresolved discussions may continue on the astral plane during sleep and manifest differently. The physical plane is where we experience life through our body, while the astral plane is where the mind travels during sleep. Who is traveling when the body remains in bed?

Avoiding Negative Influences

Do you watch mega TV serials? They may teach us what not to do in life. I stopped watching them five years ago, including Bigg Boss. Someone once said, “An empty mind is the devil’s workshop.” Many elders and married couples fill their minds with nonsense from TV serials or non-stop short videos from around the world. This content impacts the subconscious mind and eventually shows up in their behavior.

Lessons from Monastic Life

In monasteries, monks engage only in positive and productive activities. Recently, in a podcast, an enlightened yogi mentioned that in their Himalayan ashram, they perform daily rituals like fire ceremonies, pujas, and decorations. These practices generate positivity in the environment and train the mind to think positively. What a profound insight!

Bringing Positivity into Family Life

Families can adopt similar practices. Every family member can work together to improve bonding, happiness, and peace. Instead of ordering food through apps like Zomato or scrolling through social media to kill time, why not cook a meal together? Teach kids about spices, or explain the science behind how gulab jamuns float in their sweet syrup.

My Gurudeva said, “The family that prays together stays together.” Do you have reserved family time with all gadgets turned off? Why not create one?

Roles and Responsibilities in Families

Each family member has a specific role—Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Father, Mother, Daughter, Son, Aunt, Uncle, and so on. Often, the Mother-in-law becomes the center of family unity issues. It’s important to remember that she, too, had a mother-in-law. Some Mother-in-laws might unknowingly imitate the pseudo-character of a mother-in-law they’ve seen in TV serials.

Ultimately, the responsibility for keeping the family united lies with the husband or son. Everything can be talked through and resolved. The buck stops with the son or husband in the family.

Guiding the Next Generation

Parents of Gen Z children should help their kids develop positive habits and teach them to understand both sides of every situation. This will enable more peaceful families in the future.

Let’s remember, if we want to compete, let it be about “who is the better person to give love and be compassionate.”

Practical Steps for a Peaceful Family Life

If you want to learn more about leading a peaceful, happy family life:

  • Reserve a family evening at least once a week.
  • Schedule it in your office calendar.
  • Do it now!


  1. Unity is Key: Compete in love, not in conflicts.
  2. Resolve Daily Issues: Avoid carrying unresolved conflicts to bed to maintain harmony.
  3. Avoid Negativity: Replace TV serials and idle scrolling with family activities that inspire positivity.
  4. Adopt Monastic Wisdom: Engage in productive rituals and activities to create a positive environment.
  5. Strengthen Bonds: Cook meals together, teach traditions, and create a dedicated family time free of gadgets.
  6. Roles and Responsibilities: The husband or son plays a critical role in maintaining family unity, while others contribute to harmony.
  7. Guide Gen Z: Help children develop habits that foster understanding and peace.

With conscious effort, families can nurture love, unity, and happiness. Are you ready to begin?

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