What are the standards of business conduct? Essentially, they are a set of terms and conditions within a company that every employee is expected to follow to ensure a harmonious, fair environment where the business can achieve its objectives.

Consider this: an employee who may break traffic rules outside the office suddenly adheres to all regulations the moment they step into the workplace. They treat everyone equally, greet colleagues politely, and behave with utmost professionalism. But why? Is it merely because they’ve signed a contract with the company? Partly, yes. But the deeper reason lies in the desire to contribute to a happy and successful work environment, much like one strives to build a happy family.

So, what exactly is a happy family?

It’s a unit where everyone understands each other, makes time for one another, where love is the foundation. A happy family raises good children, supports parents, contributes to society, and works together toward shared goals.

If you live by these values both at work and at home, congratulations! You are an inspiration. Your family, friends, and even society will benefit from your example.

Yet, it’s not uncommon to see employees who display exemplary behavior at work but, once home, express frustration, anger, or impatience toward their loved ones. When this happens, they undermine the purpose of working—striving for a better life for themselves and their families. Instead of building happiness, they create a void.

In the pre-AI world, everyone was working hard, and in the AI-powered world, much of the work will be handled by machines. This shift may create disappointment or uncertainty for many. Who will support the affected employees during these times of change? Their understanding family.

Just as companies have standards of business conduct, I believe every person should have a set of “Standards of Family Conduct.” Create them, sign them, and place them in your prayer room. Take a moment each day to reflect on them and honor them. (This is a valuable lesson from my Gurudeva.)

When frustration builds up, it’s natural to wonder where and how to release it. Instead of unleashing it on your family, consider healthier habits—meditation, music, sports, or visiting a temple. These outlets will help you find peace without damaging your relationships.

I wish and pray for your happiness today and always!

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