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Aloha-filled vanakkams! My name is Oviaa MS.
At HabitZup, alongside co-founding with my family, I advice designing the cards and love answering questions with usually just one word that my Design teacher emphasised often – the user – you!
Each human brings life into their life by helping other lives– and each one of us do so in each of our own unique ways.
For me, Design is one such channel through which I listen to others, understand their problems and come back with not advice! But with smile. And a possibly, solution– maybe a product or a new perspective that comes from empathising, defining, ideating and– in short, Design. That said, it is also just plain fun! Like the dancing green leaves in the above photograph, Design makes me calm and playful. I am open to learning the skills that will allow me to design, redesign but never resign!
(c) Oviaa M S
(c) Oviaa M S
(c) Oviaa M S
Outside of business, I love writing and dancing too! If you managed scrolled down so far, thank you for reading, have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!