How To Play HabitZup™️

The Multi-Purpose Mind Card Game that helps you build great habits

Are you ready to play the fun-filled joyful Challenging HabitZup Mind Card Game?

Five Players Simulated Video

Player Instructions Video

Action Cards Explanation Video

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can play HabitZup?
How many can play?
How does HabitZup work?
How long does a game take?
What are the types of Habit Cards?
What are Miracle Cards?
What are Support Cards?
What are Elemental Cards?
What are Action Cards?
What are allowed pairs?
Who is the winner?
How do you play?
What happens after making a pair?
What happens after making three pairs?
What if the player does not want to give a compliment?
What is a Math Triple?
What is a Organise Action Card?
What is the use of Mix Card?
What is the use of Undo Card?
When does the play end?
What happens when “Swap” Card is used?